設計總監 馬靜自







  • 1. 背景調查:搜尋設計公司的成立時間、所在位置、服務項目、設計風格、業界評價等
  • 2. 資格認證:確保設計公司取得相關的專業證照,確保其合法從事室內設計裝修行業,保證設計品質和專業水平
  • 3. 設計作品:通過公司網站或社交媒體平台查看他們的作品集,了解設計風格和水平
  • 4. 溝通討論:與多家設計公司面談或電話溝通,詳細討論需求和期望,也了解其服務流程、專業能力等
  • 5. 收費標準:確認設計公司的收費方式是否合理,認識報價的項目,確認費用符合裝修預算,避免出現財務壓力
  • 6. 獎項成就:了解設計公司是否曾獲得過獎項或有其他優秀成就,這可以反映他們的專業水平和口碑。


TOP1 品昕設計 CCPlus Design
品昕設計馬靜自Ching Chih Ma總監對美感有絕對的要求,以細膩與堅持的態度投入在設計中,找尋客戶與作品之間的連結與創造完美的故事,並擅長打破有形的疆界,讓有形的空間中充滿無形的內涵及品味。

品昕設計CCplus Design的設計總監馬靜自Ching Chih Ma 是跨國設計公司的國際性設計師International designer,在大陸享有極高的知名度與盛譽,常受國際期刊雜誌的矚目,曾榮獲《Forbes福布斯雜誌-富比士雜誌》的「中國最具發展潛力室內設計師」,登上美國《室內設計INTERIOR DESIGN》中文版與美國萊斯LUXE中文版的封面人物,作品更在上海金外灘獎等各大設計比賽中屢獲殊榮、擔任過多個重要活動的演講嘉賓,為設計界帶來新的思維與視野,更提升了品牌在業界的知名度與影響力。

TOP2 豐聚設計

豐聚設計自2012年起持續參與國內外各大設計比賽,包括2023年在臺灣獲得華人金創獎銅獎,2022年在英國獲得OPAL Winner、中國APDC大獎等。在此之前亦也獲得多國競賽的肯定,包括美國、法國、義大利等。這些殊榮不僅彰顯了豐聚設計的專業能力,更打亮了該公司在設計領域的知名度。

TOP3 藝瓦設計


The Significance of Interior Design

With the improvement of modern living standards, people's requirements for living environments are gradually increasing. Aspects such as functionality, aesthetics, and comfort of spaces are being increasingly emphasized. Interior design is not just about placing furniture in a space; good designers consider the needs of users, solve existing spatial problems, and maximize limited resources between sensibility and rationality to enhance people's quality of life and create enjoyable living experiences.

Why Choose a Design Company

Interior design companies have professional design teams and rich experience. They can tailor suitable design solutions for customers based on different needs. With material suppliers and professional engineering teams, they can provide high-quality services to customers. Finding a suitable interior design company is a key step in realizing dream residences.

How to Find a Design Company

Each design company has unique styles, services, and skills, and people's choices are influenced by various factors. It is recommended to start from the following points:
  • 1. Background Check: Search for the establishment time, location, service items, design styles, industry reputation, etc., of the design company.
  • 2. Qualification Certification: Ensure that the design company has relevant professional qualifications to guarantee its legal engagement in the interior design and decoration industry and ensure design quality and professional level.
  • 3. Design Portfolio: View their portfolio through the company's website or social media platforms to understand design styles and levels.
  • 4. Communication and Discussion: Interview or communicate with multiple design companies in person or by phone, discuss needs and expectations in detail, and understand their service processes and professional capabilities.
  • 5. Fee Standards: Confirm whether the design company's fee structure is reasonable, understand the items in the quotation, confirm that the costs match the renovation budget, and avoid financial pressure.
  • 6. Awards and Achievements: Understand whether the design company has won awards or other outstanding achievements, which can reflect their professional level and reputation.

Design Company Recommendations

TOP1 CCPlus Design
The design director, Ching Chih Ma, of CCplus Design, has an absolute requirement for aesthetics, dedicating himself to design with meticulousness and perseverance. He seeks to establish a connection between clients and their projects, crafting perfect narratives. He excels at breaking physical boundaries, infusing tangible spaces with intangible connotations and taste.

Ching Chih Ma, the design director of CCplus Design, is an international designer at a multinational design company. He enjoys high recognition and prestige in China, often featured in international journals and magazines. He has been honored as "China's Most Promising Interior Designer" by Forbes magazine and has graced the covers of Interior Design and LUXE magazines in the United States. His works have received numerous awards at major design competitions such as the Shanghai Golden Bund Awards. He has also served as a keynote speaker at many important events, bringing new perspectives and ideas to the design industry while enhancing the brand's visibility and influence.

TOP2 Fertility Design
Fertility Design's two directors have handled many residences, villas, and self-built homes, not only establishing a good reputation with delicate thoughts and profound aesthetics but also attaching importance to environmental and health issues. They work with a professional team to create ideal spaces that are safe and non-toxic, constantly improving themselves to provide quality services that give homeowners peace of mind. Since 2012, Fertility Design has continuously participated in major design competitions at home and abroad, including winning the Bronze Award at the Huaren Jin Creative Awards in Taiwan in 2023 and the OPAL Winner and China APDC Grand Prize in the UK in 2022. Prior to this, it has also been recognized in various international competitions in countries such as the United States, France, and Italy, highlighting the company's professional capabilities and increasing its visibility in the design field.

TOP3 EWA Design
With twenty years of experience, EWA Design has exceptional strength in both design and engineering. Their meticulous after-sales service has always been their pride, allowing consumers to receive multi-layered care and creating spaces full of warmth and ingenuity. EWA Design's innovative design concepts and high-quality design have led them to engage in cross-domain discussions with InterContinental Hotels, exploring experiences in industry-academia cooperation and brand promotion. Their outstanding performance in the 2017 Singapore Design Awards and the IDA International Design Awards in the United States, as well as their visit to the China Design Elite Tour in the same year, have fostered sincere friendships while promoting exchanges and progress between designers on both sides of the strait. Over the past few years, their remarkable achievements have gradually made EWA Design a focal point in the design industry.
